Friday, July 13, 2018

Dorothy's July 17th Qs

What do you think of Cheryl E. Ball’s and Colin Charlton’s assertion that all writing is multimodal? How to you think spatial and visual modes affect you when you are reading a text that privileges linguistic modes?

Shipka asserts that students should have more say in the production, delivery, and reception of their coursework. What kinds of assignments can you think of that achieve this goal? Or, what are the benefits or drawbacks of awarding students more control with how they produce coursework?  

1 comment:

  1. Dorothy,
    Your second question really intrigues me. I think there are more benefits than drawbacks to letting students take more control over the production of their coursework. That being said, I think that the instructor still needs to maintain a level of control over the assignment and not pass things off to the students completely. I’ve seen instructors who give complete control over to their students and it has never ended well.


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Yon's questions for July26

Q 1. According to Reiff, the genre can be interpreted in the context of a power dynamic. Used to a genre convention, however, readers often...