Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Annaliisa's Questions for 7/19

1) The audience for Kerry Dirk's piece is composition students. Do you find her essay helpful for teaching genre and would you consider using some or all of this essay in your teaching to supplement the discussion of genre in our textbook(s) for 1101 and/or 2135? I'm curious why or why not?

2) Devitt writes, "Once we acknowledge genre as more than a formal constraint on writers but rather an essential component of making meaning, we might find it influencing other notions that we teach" (584). Devitt goes on to list some of these other areas, but how do you see Devitt's understanding of genre informing your work in the composition classroom and perhaps your work as a scholar as well?

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Yon's questions for July26

Q 1. According to Reiff, the genre can be interpreted in the context of a power dynamic. Used to a genre convention, however, readers often...