Monday, July 16, 2018

Leah Delaney Questions 7/17

1. The Shipka reading mentions a student who created a video for one of her classes. She references how he felt more like a project manager because he had friends volunteer to help out with acting in the video and editing it. I was wondering what your thoughts are in relation to this project within the scope of plagiarism? While yes, if he is making a video that requires multiple people, it seems natural that people would help with acting, but if other students are actually doing the video editing portion for him, how is this different than hiring a friend to write a paper for you?

2. What was your experience reading the Inoue article? Specifically, what impact did the code switching have on you as a reader?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I found the code switching rhetorically effective. I really enjoyed reading the essay in to the extent that one can can say she enjoyed reading something that is so painfully true.

  3. Hi Leah, I had a posting error, let me try this again. In reference to your second question, I think that her code switching basically enacted on me exactly what she is talking about. She challenged me to hear her voice and evaluate how my view of her wanted to change based on her language choices. I was forced to evaluate how I view academic discourse as educated and objective, and (as she talks about later in the article) how her use of AAL is viewed as automatically non-objective, overemotional, and heavily politicized.


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Yon's questions for July26

Q 1. According to Reiff, the genre can be interpreted in the context of a power dynamic. Used to a genre convention, however, readers often...